New Jersey Supreme Court Strikes Down Non-Disparagement Provisions

In a significant decision the New Jersey Supreme Court has taken a decisive stand against the silencing of discrimination, retaliation, and harassment victims. This ruling makes a significant impression through the legal landscape of employment rights and corporate accountability. On May 4, 2024, the court ruled that non-disparagement provisions in settlement agreements are unenforceable if…

Statute of Limitations in Employment Discrimination Claims in New Jersey

Understanding the statute of limitations in employment discrimination claims in New Jersey is vital for anyone facing workplace issues. The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) plays a crucial role in protecting employees from discriminatory practices. However, these protections are bound by specific time limits for legal action. This blog post will delve into the…

Are You Experiencing Anti-Semitism in The Workplace?

The issue of anti-Semitism, the discrimination or prejudice against Jewish individuals, is a deeply entrenched problem in society. This problem extends into various facets of our lives, including the workplace. In “Are You Experiencing Anti-Semitism in the Workplace”, we will delve into the pervasive presence of anti-Semitism. Including anti-semitism in professional environments, its multifaceted consequences…

5 Examples of Workplace Discrimination in New Jersey

In the diverse and dynamic landscape of New Jersey’s workplaces, the issue of workplace discrimination persists. Furthermore, it continues to cast a shadow over the promise of equal opportunity and fairness for all employees. Despite substantial progress made in labor laws and societal awareness, discrimination in the workplace remains a harsh reality.  Workplace discrimination affects…

Are You Being Bullied at Work?

Workplace bullying is a pervasive issue that can have serious consequences for employees’ mental and physical well-being. While there is no specific anti-bullying statute in New Jersey, it’s crucial to understand how workplace bullying can be closely connected to harassment and discrimination. Recognizing the signs of bullying, understanding its impact, and knowing your rights are…

Fired Before Maternity Leave, Help!

Navigating the circumstances of being fired before taking maternity leave can be challenging for expectant mothers. It is important to understand the legal protections and rights provided by the state’s employment laws. New Jersey has implemented laws to safeguard the rights of pregnant employees, such as the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) and the…