New Jersey Supreme Court Strikes Down Non-Disparagement Provisions

In a significant decision the New Jersey Supreme Court has taken a decisive stand against the silencing of discrimination, retaliation, and harassment victims. This ruling makes a significant impression through the legal landscape of employment rights and corporate accountability. On May 4, 2024, the court ruled that non-disparagement provisions in settlement agreements are unenforceable if…

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) which include mediation, arbitration and negotiation present effective options to the court battles for settling disagreements. These approaches offer a mix of structure and adaptability allowing parties to find solutions they both agree on without involving the system. The advantages of ADR are many, such as efficiency, cost effectiveness, privacy and…

Know Your Rights in The Workplace (NJ)

In the evolving landscape of labor laws, it’s crucial for employees in New Jersey (NJ) to be well-informed about their rights in the workplace. Today’s blog will navigate you through the most pertinent rights and protections you are entitled to under state and federal laws. Whether you’re a seasoned employee or new to the workforce,…