The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and Federal statutes prohibit wrongful firing, harassment and retaliation by your supervisor, boss or co-worker. If you have been the victim of discrimination, contact me, David H. Kaplan, NJ Employment discrimination Lawyer, today.
New Jersey Employment Discrimination Attorney

Employment Discrimination Laws
- HARASSMENT – unwanted touching, name calling or badgering by your boss or coworkers
- RETALIATION – against you for reporting discrimination, filing a lawsuit due to the discrimination or participating in an investigation against your employer.
- WHISTLEBLOWER – you were fired, demoted or received lower performance scores because you reported or threatened to report a violation
- PROMOTIONS – offered or given only to persons with a certain preferred characteristics
- WRONGFUL FIRING – you were fired without good reason, your job was eliminated without justification, a co-worker with less experience or qualifications was retained over you.
It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against an employee who has filed a workers compensation claim. If you have filed a workers compensation claim and feel that you have been treated differently by your boss you should contact The Law Office of David H. Kaplan for a free consultation. We will work diligently to recover the most money available to you, to aid you in the recovery of your injury and injury-related expenses
When Can Workplace Discrimination Occur
Employment discrimination occurs when a person:

- Believes he or she has control over some aspect of your life
- Identifies you as belonging to a legally protected group because of a characteristic
- Using his or her control, treats you unfairly because you belong to a protected group
Proof of Employment Discrimination
To prove employment discrimination, you must show that the employer intended to treat you differently because of the characteristic. This intent can also be demonstrated if the employer has treated a lot of other persons with the same protected characteristic unfairly.
Examples of Employment Discrimination:
- Hiring, forced retirement, firing
- Job advertisements and recruitment
- Compensation and pay
- Health/Medical and fringe benefits
- Waivers of the right to sue in exchange for severance pay
Work with an Employment Discrimination Lawyer
Pursuing an employment discrimination claim against an employer is complicated because procedural laws vary depending on where and when you file your claim. A lawyer will help you with the filing deadlines specific to your claim. Also, because the EEOC investigators will not get to your claim immediately, a lawyer can help you investigate and pursue any additional remedies. It is also a good idea to see a lawyer before signing a waiver or other severance package. If you are an employer being sued for employment discrimination, you should speak to an employment lawyer immediately.
Contact us for a free initial consultation with a New Jersey Employment Discrimination Lawyer. At the Law Office of David H. Kaplan in Stanhope, New Jersey, yours needs, rights and interest are the priority. We are committed to helping you through your employment discrimination issues to ensure the best outcome. We will respond promptly and serve you efficiently.