Recognizing Pregnancy Discrimination

If you’re a woman in the workplace and considering having a baby soon, currently pregnant, or recently gave birth, make sure you’re knowledgeable on your rights related to pregnancy. Pregnancy discrimination is when the workplace treats you unfavorably because of anything related to pregnancy. It extends to both employees and job applicants and can include…

Workplace Safety Protocols During a Crisis

Workplace Safety Protocols During a Crisis When Covid-19 first hit New Jersey, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order 192 in order to combat rising case numbers. EO 192 mandates specific health and safety standards to protect workers and customers during the pandemic. This past year, we have learned just how important it is to have consistent…

Expansion of the NJ WARN Act

Expansion of the NJ WARN Act At the beginning of 2020, Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey signed Senate Bill 3170. This senate bill significantly modified and amended the NJ WARN Act. Now, with the expansion of the NJ WARN Act, New Jersey is the first state in the nation to require severance pay for…

Remote Workplace Harassment

Remote Workplace Harassment Still Happens from Home A recent report from the EEOC noted when workplaces are decentralized or remote, employees may feel unaccountable for their behavior and actions. Furthermore, employees working remotely may mistakenly believe that the standard workplace policies and behavioral expectations do not apply. All of this paired with the relaxed monitoring…

Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Cases Against a Business Unfortunately, accidents can happen anywhere. If you slip and fall on a business’s property, you may be entitled to compensation. The compensation that may be won in a personal injury case can help you pay for unforeseen medical bills and complications due to the fall. It is important to…