LGBTQ+ Rights in the Workplace

LGBTQ+ Rights in the Workplace             On June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court made history as they ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VII) protects gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from being discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation or gender expression. Essentially, this ruling made it federally illegal to fire…

Diving Into the Rule of Three

Diving Into the Rule of Three The New Jersey Civil Service Commision has enacted the “Rule of Three” to further prevent unlawful discrimination, nepotism, or other types of favoritism in civil service agencies and departments. This law requires that all hiring and promotions be based on merit and demonstrated ability. In order to ensure this,…

Response to COVID Harassment

As the novel COVID-19 virus continues to spread tension across the nation, laws continue to be put in place to deal with the consequences. One such unfortunate symptom the virus has brought with it, is a staggering number of reports of discrimination and xenophobia that several lawyers say they haven’t seen since the aftermath of…

MeToo Movement In 2020

MeToo Movement In 2020 Though the MeToo movement was originally founded by Tarana Burke back in 2006, the popularization of the #MeToo hashtag in 2017 is what most people remember as the beginning of the heightened awareness around the pervasiveness of sexual abuse in society. Now, three years later, the movement has stretched across the…

Workers’ Compensation during COVID-19

Across the country, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic fallout, millions of employees continue to work. While some became “remote” working from the comfort of their homes, others still have to go into work. These “essential” employees confront the risk of contracting COVID-19 at work.  Emergency legislation on federal, state, and local…

COVID-19 Termination

With the coronavirus pandemic at large, and shelter-in-place rules sweeping the country, many businesses have found themselves being forced to shut down hiring and turning to furloughs or layoffs just to stay afloat. Now millions of U.S. workers are being furloughed as the coronavirus has brought the economy to a virtual standstill and left nearly 25 million…